
Singir Jawa Kuno or Singir Java-Ancient | Epic Travelers

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Singir Jawa Kuno or Singir Java-Ancient

Singir Jawa Kuno is one of the epic traditional Javanese literature that has a line of words and a complicated structure. Javanese literature in the form of traditional poetry (singir) is a result of literary types of poetry that is pronounced through the form of songs (tembang / sekar) and is part of the process and style of sound art.
How about Javanese poetry? such as : Macapat, Dandang Gulo, Pitutur, Parikan or Geguritan, or relating to the Rules of Teachers-Song (the benchmark of final sound), Teachers Wilaryin (the number of syllables per line.), the Number of Gatra (line of the rhyme), and Purwakati a Literature Teacher (equations a dead letter or rhyme framework).
What about the Singir Jawa Kuno from Dusun Sepuluh Randu Hargobinangun Pakem Sleman of Yogyakarta? Such of literature can be found and are likely to be found in the Singir Jawa Kuno, although the ties number of syllables, rhyme, and number of lines of each stanza are binding. Singir Jawa Kuno, shape inside and outside was slightly different, with poems Java that other. Moreover, attitude, tone, purpose and contents.
Rules of Teachers-Song (the benchmark of final sound)
[ o - o ] Such a snippet of the following descriptions : (sadoyo, pangapuro, Kulo, manungso and so on) all have the suffix letter "o". [ i - i ] Such a snippet of the following descriptions : (Wigati, ngelmi, angraweruhi, janmi and so on) all have the suffix letter "i".
According to the literary genre, Singir Jawa Kuno of language factor, style and voice is is difficult to guess, whether of regional languages or the Palace? Existence this kind of Singir Jawa Kuno, although still a tradition or culture or symbols of knowledge, its existence is still marginalized. Another basic is "Serat Jawi kang awrat babakan ngelmi" that has meaning is a message of Java has a weight about explaining the knowledge and science. Java-Ancient Singir is part of a short sentence, such as setting other languages such songs "Java-ancient", each line has an important bond that can describe with a lot of purpose and meaning.
Epic Travelers - Singir Jawa Kuno
Image Reference: Epic traditional art, culture, knowledge and science
Address: Dusun Sepuluh, Randu Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta
In Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta itself has many different materials and types writing of Singir. There was singir that stretches the matters science such as : Singir Jauharat Tauhid (Aqidah), Singir Akhlaq, Singir Mitra Sejati (Akhlaq), Singir Fasholatan, Singir Laki Rabi (Fiqih), Singir Paras Nabi, Singir Siti Patimah (story/history), Erang-Erang Sekar Panjang, Singir Sekar Melati (Tasawwuf), Singir Tanwirul Qari (Tajwid/Qiroat), Singir Arabic, Singir Kiyamat and others.
Broadly speaking, the function Singir Jawa Kuno located in Dusun X Randu Hargobinangun Pakem Sleman of Yogyakarta, has close linkages, functions and objectives. Include : spiritual (Familiarity, Belief), the learning (repair of spiritual and introspection), harmony and others. Everything is related to each other are packed in a companion Dhikr.
Historically the Singir Jawa Kuno has been used since antiquity, originally often used the Java community that in fact. Since the advent of Islam to the island of Java, especially at the time Wali Songo, song or Singir Jawa Kuno is then used to accompaniment Tahlil. Java songs at that time used as a means of religious symbols of Islam in Java. Which has three things, and factors such as: language, literacy or (keaksaraan) and aesthetic values.
In terms of language, literature and are far from standard Java Kraton or the Palace, characters that are used most of the Arabic-Java (pegon) instead of New Javanese script, and aesthetic value is Art and Cultural (kesastraannya or humanities). Writings Singir Jawa Kuno currently used in accordance with the development of society, initially using Java letter (HA NA CA RA KA) and letters of "Arabic Gundul". For today written in writing fonts as we use now, without reducing or changing the meaning contained therein.
Singir Jawa Kuno that is in the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, usually not voiced a little different to the rest. Dusun X Randu, Singir-Ancient Javanese tradition is still very strong in the community and is sustainable. Tahlil used with Singir Jawa Kuno a accompaniment is often used when one of the families already gone and used on a day such as: 3 days, 7 days, 40 days, 100 days, one year, two years, and the last thousand days the length of time the person has gone.
Tahlil with accompaniment Singir Jawa Kuno isn't much different at the time of opening of Letter Yasin. Because the Singir Jawa Kuno, incorporation of Al-Quran and other letters that are inside. At Tahlil opener, which consists of : Basmallah, Al-Fatiha, Al-Iklash, AN-Naas, AL-Falaq and so on.
Singir Jawa Kuno consists of three parts, the first consisting of 142 verses, the second verse is 125, and the third paragraph or closing chapter. Tahlil with accompaniment Singir Jawa Kuno used during 3 days, 7 days, 40 days, 100 days, one year and two years, usually using Java-Ancient Singir first part and the third paragraph or closing chapters, whereas.
One thousand days after the person is gone, and the ceremony of Nyadranan using singir first, second, and closing the chapter. Among the sidelines between the first and second or 142 verse, usually citizens of rested 15 to 20 minutes to back up and restore the sound.
Where do Singir Jawa Kuno voiced? Singir Jawa Kuno voiced with a clear tone that can be heard by anyone in the vicinity. So who sang Singir Jawa Kuno also called leader rhythm or his groove rhythm. Singir Jawa Kuno is tone will rise and fall in line over time.
If at the time the leader experienced an error in the intone Singir Jawa Kuno other followers will experience errors. So it should be sung by one skilled in the art of literature.
Here are excerpts or snippet than Singir Jawa Kuno
This book is always at home Residents then duplicated for the user also conservationists Singir Jawa Kuno art. This is an example of a sentence that is used Singir Jawa Kuno from Yogyakarta.
You can see of relating to the Rules of Teachers-Song (the benchmark of final sound), Teachers Wilaryin (the number of syllables per line.), the Number of Gatra (line of the rhyme), and Purwakati a Literature Teacher (equations a dead letter or rhyme framework).
Arts and culture has its rules and specific policies, such as: writing, structure of writing, grammar, translation, language usage, the image of customary, the creation of art or culture in the society and so on.
Please don't be interpreted in the tool or translate language to avoid misinterpretations or meaning. So that this art can only be learned by Javanese people.
We are sorry, This is the Java language, every word in the piece "Singir Jawa Kuno" can not be separated. Such as:
  1. "Angesangi" word = Angesangi have meaning of give life.
  2. "Ange Sangi" word = Ange Sangi meaning = ??? (Not recommended).
1. Singir Jawa Kuno section: 1 contains the following lyrics.
  1. Sun miwiti anyebut asmaning Gusti.
  2. Allah ingkang Moho Murah Moho Suci.
  3. Bebukane kulo ngangit singir niki.
  4. Kulo nurun serat banyu bening nami.
  5. Banyu bening tegesipun kang saktuhu.
  6. Inggih gesang angesangi ing manungso.
  7. Tegesipun kawruh ingkang langkung edi.
  8. Mengku raos kalangkung ingkang wigati.
  9. Tumrap ingkang amarsudi marang ngelmi.
  10. Namung lowong kangge ular-ular kami.
  11. Mongko tiyang gesang kedah angraweruhi.
  12. Bebasane kelamun ngupoyo ngelmi.
  13. Amek geni nggowo damar kang prayogo.
  14. Kedah bekto kawruh ingkang sawektoro.
  15. Dados saget petaken kalayam cetho.
  16. Wonten maleh kasebut bebasan iro.
  17. Ngangsu banyu pikulan wareh tegesnyo.
  18. Amarsudi kawruh banyu urip iro.
  19. Angangeyo pikulane bening ing toyo.
  20. Seserapan kang wening pambuden iro.
  21. ... and so on or (142 verses).
2. Singir Jawa Kuno section: 2 contains the following lyrics.
  1. Urip iku wajibe aluru ngelmu. (Hu ...)
  2. Biso madhangi atimu. (Hu ...)
  3. Ojo kleru ojo kleru. (Hu ...)
  4. Biso ngedohke bebendu kinasihan mring Gustimu.
  5. Hulailla haillallah hu ... 3X.
  6. Hulailla haillallah Muhammadurasulullah. (Hu ...).
  1. Nenangiyo rasamu dimen karoso. (Hu ...)
  2. Raksakno urip iro. (Hu ...)
  3. Aning donyo aning donyo (Hu ...)
  4. Ojo demen podho cidro cidro iku nemu opo.
  5. Hulailla haillallah hu ... 3X.
  6. Hulailla haillallah Muhammadurasulullah. (Hu ...).
  1. Cecawiso ngelmu kang bakal kok gowo. (Hu ... )
  2. Ngamal soleh kang prayogo. (Hu ... )
  3. Aduh nyowo adhuh nyowo. (Hu ... )
  4. Iku dadi kanten niro sowan niro mring Hyang Sukmo.
  5. Hulailla haillallah huu ... 3X.
  6. Hulailla haillallah Muhammadurasulullah. (Hu ... )
  7. Next : Tahlil ...
Next section contains the following lyrics.
  1. Pareng matur dumateng sederek sadoyo.
  2. Bilih lepat kulo nyuwun pangapuro.
  3. Kenging supe sinung ngendham tilam lami.
  4. Pramilane namung dados guru kulo.
  5. Ewo dene napas paro ing manungso.
  6. Kang ngubengi ing badan sak ujur iro.
  7. Ponco driyo utawi ing kulit iro.
  8. Tembung Jawi den wastani tyang pramono.
  9. Boten jaler boten istri tan akarso.
  10. Kang makaten kasebut pralambang Jowo.
  11. Randu alas amrambat sembukan biso.
  12. Tembung arab nomo kayun wastaniro.
  13. Angen-angen nomo kayat wastaniro.
  14. Angen-angen gesang sangking napas niro.
  15. Gesangnipun napas sangking wangwung ugo.
  16. Milo lajeng angebaki langit bumi.
  17. Terangipun nama suwasono niki.
  18. Dene napas dereng medhal saking janmi.
  19. Nama eling manggen ing nur Mukhamadi.
  20. Dene Sahadat kang mratelaken mriki.
  21. La Illahha illalahi Mukhayadi.
  22. ... and so on or (125 verses).
3. Singir Jawa Kuno section: 3 contains the following lyrics.
  1. illallah ...
  2. Allah ...
  3. Allahhu ...
  4. HuAllah ...
  5. Qulhu ...
The names of Epic Preservation and Conservation the Art and Culture - Singir Java kuno: Dusun Sepuluh Randu Hargobinangun Pakem Sleman, Kota: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY).
Leadership Singir Jawa Kuno: Mr. Mardiono (Rois).
Cultural Preservation and Conservation - Randu Village.
Song player and groups:
  1. RT. 01: Mr. Nata Wiharjo, Mr. Maryoto. (Substitute role: Mr. Mardiono).
  2. RT. 02: Mr. Mardiono.
  3. RT. 03: Mr. Giman.
Cultural Preservation and Conservation - Ngetehan Village; started in 2009.
Song player and groups:
  1. RT. 04: Mr. Mardiyanto, Mr. Harno.
Singir Java above translation still has a lot of meaning because the Java language has many levels. Below are some examples of language inserts also according to the levels in the Java language:
  1. Java Ngoko (level coarse language).
  2. Java krama (high level language).
  3. Java Krama Inggil (The best Java language commonly used language in the Palace).
Singir Jawa Kuno or Singir Java-Ancient is one of the folk art literary works used in formal ceremonies that combine with an art and the value of solidarity in society. This singir always done around 20 - 25 for a year. "Singir Jawa Kuno" Art in Yogyakarta, there is only one epic traditional art the preservation and conservation, address: Dusun Sepuluh Randu Hargobinangun Pakem Sleman of Yogyakarta.


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