
Performing Arts and Culture Yogyakarta | Epic Travelers

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Performing Arts and Culture Yogyakarta

Welcome to The Basic Information of Tourism: Performing Arts and Culture Yogyakarta Indonesia. Republic of Indonesia is known for its high artistic art and cultural values. Potential development of Indonesian traditional art performances is part of "Cultural Heritage Tourism Indonesia", "Pesona Indonesia" and "Wonderful Indonesia".
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Epictravelers - Performing Arts and Culture Yogyakarta
The Art and Culture
Yogyakarta Jogja Indonesia
Arts and culture of Indonesia is the epic world of the development of customs, amazing people of ethnic group, high quality of ethnic culture, beautiful artistic works of society, and old art from cultural heritage of folk performances. Is a part the traditional and modern visual journey of society cultural heritage. All provide a balance of lured by the nature permeated by the people's legacy. Be amazed by the beauty of art and culture as the basis of traditional life and where people appreciate a work and the beauty of the world.
This is where are the colors of Yogyakarta shimmering dances it's life, and glimmered spirit around it. A place where hidden treasures are shielded and so the story life on. Yogyakarta a place where ethnic epic live and tradition are sleepless. A place to cherish true legacy and enchanting cultures. Where is the masterpiece of exotic art and culture is to being creative it, appreciate it, and principles. Discover our love and our lives and an attentive intention to share with you.
• Ramayana Ballet - The classical dance and drama
Ramayana Ballet is a very popular epic art show in Yogyakarta. This is done in the open air theater in Prambanan Temple. See schedule, performing Opera Jawa Ramayana. Ramayana Ballet with the epic window-background of Prambanan temple, a very warm atmosphere with classical Javanese drama.
Ramayana Ballet presents the entertainment with interesting the epic stories, classical dance, classical drama, epic of traditional music and other attractions. 2013 Ballet Ramayana entered the ceremonies of "Muri Records" in Indonesia and abroad in the art of "Ballet Dance", categories: Art and Epic Cultural Heritage.
Ramayana Ballet was attended by around 1500 dancers. In this event Yogyakarta is a Pioneer of Preservation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Tourism. This ceremony is one of the fundamental vehicles in organizing cultural ceremonies and regional epic cultural preservation which continues to this day.
• Ringgit Wacucal
"Ringgit Wacucal" or better known to the public "Wayang Kulit" is an official art performed in formal ceremonies in the Javanese tradition. Wayang (Shadow Puppets) known since prehistoric times ie about 1500 years before Masehi. Indonesian society embracing animist beliefs form of worship ancestral spirits called Hyang or Dahyang, manifested in the form of a statue or picture.
Wayang has been recognized by UNESCO, as a stunning cultural work in the field of narrative of epic stories and epic of beautiful precious art. Wayang includes art and culture in category; "Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity". Indonesian Wayang Day is celebrated in the month of November in Indonesia.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Wayang Kulit Yogyakarta opens in new window.
• Wayang Kancil (Theatrical of fairy tale)
"Wayang Kancil" is a classic story that contains the animal characters as a wayang character. This is an epic world of "Wayang Kancil" the based on a leather wayang show with figures of various species of animals in the forest. This wayang was created by Ki Ledjar Subroto (Grandfather) to inspire children's love of fairy tales and the traditional art world of "Pewayangan" in Yogyakarta.
This "Wayang Kancil" story is based on a fairy tale of the people. This wayang is accompanied by moral messages ranging from education to the environment for children. Through this "Wayang Kancil" can be a bridge for children to get to know, and love "Wayang" which is one of the most beautiful original art in Indonesia.
• Ringgit Purwa
The Epic of art a classical drama resembles Ramayana. Opera Java is full of colorful clothing worn, especially with the yellow gleam of gold in his body.
"Ringgit Purwa" or better known "Wayang Wong" (designation of art from Java people) and "Wayang Orang" (designation of art in Indonesian language) is one of the Javanese opera arts the people of Yogyakarta, and epic art the most popular in Indonesia. In addition to providing a means of entertainment that contains the epic story, also includes a touch of Education to the public. This art contains a very high traditional philosophy, but also as a means to restore the majesty of a tradition in the past.
• Gamelan Art
Epic performing arts and traditional culture, presents classical Javanese music art. Gamelan is a traditional epic instrumental ensemble with many instruments that combine soft-sounding percussion instruments with melancholic sounds. This art consists of playing gamelan music called "Karawitan", those who "menggamel" or musicians in Javanese are called "Pengrawitan". Playing the tone and strains of the gamelan is called "Seni Menabuh". The rhythm of the music in the gamelan reflects the harmony of life and part of the life principles embraced by Javanese society.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Gamelan Art Epic Java opens in new window.
Gamelan art is also part of tradition and culture in Yogyakarta society. Add adventure in "Tradition and Culture of Yogyakarta".
• Jathilan Art
"Jathilan" known by the name: "Kesenian Jathilan, Seni Jathilan, Kesenian Kudho, Kesenian Jothil, Kuda Lumping, Kuda kepang, Jaranan, Jaran Kepang or Tarian Kuda Bambu (Bamboo Horse Dance)". Jathilan art is a blend of dance art and webbing bamboo horse property accompanied by a gamelan instruments as accompaniment of the dance. Jathilan is a typical value of cultural preservation as well as regional identity, especially base the preservation of art and cultural preservation.
Jathilan art is one piece of art based on folk art and cultural core. "Arts of culture the core a folk" is one piece of art and culture based on community empowerment especially in rural areas. Jathilan is a rural cultural industry that leads to increasing contributions to the development of the creative economy. They build a society with kinship system mainly through "Folk Art" and "Art Performances".
Read also in exploring the post reference: Jathilan a Wonderful Art of Jogjakarta opens in new window.
• Kethoprak Art
Kethoprak is a folk art and is one of the art icons in Yogyakarta, and the most popular in Indonesia. In addition to providing entertainment facilities that contain educational vehicles to the community that contain a very high traditional philosophy, but also as a means to restore the majesty of a tradition of kethoprak the past and beautiful in the tradition of the past. Included in the trip mentioned, took an active role specific purpose, so that people know the ins and outs of the art world traditions.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Kethoprak Arts Icon of Jogjakarta opens in new window.
• Ledek Art
Ledek is one of the glory of Javanese artists and is one of many folk epic-art forms in Yogyakarta. Typical local products that follow the development through a stunningly epic tradition at that time. This art usually features two types of performances such as performances that feature dance skills only, and the second is a small theatrical dance of a drama. Art that contains theater, usually male players often wear face masks.
In this arts was illustrated with interesting movements and fun attractions to attract small children and other audience.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Ledek Arts of Yogyakarta opens in new window.
• Angguk Art
Angguk Dance is the local superior product of Kulon Progo Regency. This dance comes from a dance called Dolalak dance (Purworejo - Central Java). The costume similar the Dutch officer's outfit.
Yogyakarta is one of the icons in the history of ethnic culture; The center of Javanese Culture as well as the heart of the arts and culture in Java. Performing Folk Arts and culture Yogyakarta is one of the sectors of the progress of creative local cultural collaboration as well as one of innovative cultural heritage industry strategies as well as creating a soul of leadership skills. Next section a generation to generation; The future of art and culture is a place to keep the community alive, exploring the epic practices of art and cultural development; creating a cultural center in the village for regional and national, connections to maintain tradition, involve the population, strengthen relations in the regional arts and culture industry.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Rural Creative Traditional Nuance opens in new window.
Connection between villages to the city creates vehicles for the field of epic studies of art and culture. Travelers can focus on the arts and cultural component of the rural creative economy that is a legacy of tourism that is now partially flourish with the progress of the region becoming an urban or characteristic of a city or town.
Illustrations of rural creative development will flourish coloring the beauty as well as interaction with majestic the local art and culture, even stepping into epic journey to national and international.
Performing Arts and Culture Yogyakarta is a piece of visual journeys from the cultural heritage built from the local wisdom of the art and culture of the people that give / provide many connections, for example:
Ethnic identity and local customs that are core-foundation, expansion and the adventure that accompanies the artistic works in his life. On the other hand they combine about many things with artistic works of old tradition and culture.
Arts and Culture is intended to make humans more human or to make people more cultured, and the value of the message in purpose and the preservation of the Cultural Heritage itself. Then culture will be implied by the system of exploring the epic practices, epic visual of journey, research, education, knowledge, art and culture component, the community, skills, leadership, cultural preservation, industry strategies, and amazing classic epic works.
Traditional theatre performances: Performing arts, dance, music, acting, song, singing, dialogue, narration, etc; Including the infrastructure and facilities of culture, for example: Museum and artistic works publication, Rumah Budaya (art house), the stage, art market, place of product design exhibition, the Padepokan and art galleries.
Read also in exploring the post reference: The Basic Information of Tourism.
The Exploring Tourism Paradise in Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Life never ending in the journey and it is never enough to explore Yogyakarta in a short time, while there are so many beautiful places of interest and so many exciting activities that travelers can do. Discover the unique journey and how worthwhile the trip is for travelers. Enjoy travelers trip by adding adventure in "The Exploring Tourism Paradise in Yogyakarta - Indonesia". Greetings for explorers.


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Information & Public Services

Public information service aims to make it easier to find important information about Yogyakarta. If travelers need public interest during the tour, read more the Basic Information of Tourism in the "Online Aspiration - Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta". Hopefully useful for your public service.
