Rural Creative Development Assets
This time; Epictravelers will give you a tour of Rural Creative plan in the local area. This plan is based on some research in the region only. But every development of Rural Creative and forum to pioneer Village Tourism in the countryside is highly varied in improving their area progress.

Mirror photo - SMP Regina Pacis Jakarta (Live in rural area Yogyakarta).
- Adventure title
- Rural Creative - Traditional Nuance.
- Mirror activity
- The part of Traditional Rural Creative Insights, Village Tourist Visits, Living Rural Area, and Epic Traditional Education Yogyakarta.
- Activity Type
- Collaboration of Education and Culture.
- Notes
- Only the student training activities.
- Research activities
- Adventure by Sahabat YourHappiness.
- Contribution of the post
- Hary.
- Forms of writing
- Journals that aren't perfected.
- Year
- 2014 - 2018.
- Project Location
- Rural Creative of Sleman Yogyakarta, Slopes Mt Merapi of Yogyakarta.
You can develop some Systems and Guidelines on slide presentations. In addition our goal isn't to advise your village for the popularity of the Name of Tourism Village, but the quality of activities for tourists / visitors on the program of Rural Creative area.
- "Kenali Desamu Cintai Desamu!" - Epictravelers Pedesaan (Name Team 1).
- "Program name"- Team 2 - (Representative).
- "Program name" - Team 3 - (Representative).
- "Program name" - Team 4 - (Representative).
- Team building is to create a task or an activity that is thought to be absent in the community or not yet developed in the countryside.
- Summarizes the property plan or public facilities.
- Expand activities to create or reproduce a program.
- Keep the team able to create jobs (Usaha Mandiri) and efforts to increase the economy to the community in the future.
- The first performance is you have designed and prepared various activity assets (Usaha Mandiri Pedesaan).
- Invite and select activities with the most familiar friends, easy to talk to them (deliberation) and spirit to work together to build teams.
- Share your mission and vision ahead of the activities.
- Suggest one type of activity as the beginning of the activity. If a review doesn't match, choose the type of activity through filtering with your friends. Especially is a useful activity and associated with community activities later.
- Form a small team approval.
If the effort is successful then your work will be returned back to the society, so they will develop your work for future activity to improvement in their rural areas.
- Creating activities according to agreements or activities that suit your friend wants together.
- Form the activities of the smallest things to train cohesiveness and teamwork.
- Form a unique team name and have meaning in it. Don't use the product / brand's famous logo or licensed. If you want your beautiful countryside experience, combine the name of your countryside.
- Keep your team's unique name, avoid changing team name formation.
- Create your team has a legal basis or guidance in the activities, but not binding as a driver of activity into a team.
- Think carefully about the content of team activities to avoid negative impacts or conflicts in the society.
- Minimize information to the society about your team's formation and plans.
- Create activities that are considered easy to manage.
- Carefully select the program, because the "Usaha Mandiri Pedesaan"; Mission and vision towards or related to the program and the function of progress of society in the future.
- Make activities as attractive as possible in the team. Minimize boredom, and often upload your media through social networks (Groups or Community team environment) to always encourage the team.
- Do your activities gradually and not force the team.
- Being a team must understand teams that can't participate in activities.
- Work image.
Create a good working atmosphere to be a team of developers / drivers of "Usaha Mandiri Pedesaan". - Simplicity plan.
Don't use activities like: formal meetings, procurement of consumption, special place, call the name of the rank and the like. You can have a dialogue in the open area and anywhere you like. - Meeting room.
Don't use a system such as: Chairman and emcee, except bundles and recorders for processors or as collecting data. Because the program in the formation of this team is to create a plan or activity to add the program submitted to the Chairman of the society as a development that the team did to increase community progress in the countryside. - Funding.
Try all activities not to spend a lot of money. - Dream.
Look for a reasonable plan of activities, don't dream / think an activity beyond the ability of the team. - Friendly environment.
Create an environment for any user and collect the types of traditional skills that are beginning to erode. - Bring tourists.
If the team has plans for a Living rural area activity for school students / tourist, the team can summarize the rural property that can be used for HomeStay. - Driver.
Try not to use special technicians or rent outsiders outside the area as a driver of activities in the team. Teams can learn from a variety of skills counseling. - Accepted.
Design activities as best as possible to give the impression of the users / guests / tourists later and especially to your own society.
- Understand the contents of activities in the team.
- Avoid conflicts in any form of activity in the team.
- Minimize meeting activities and as much as possible to practice even if only briefly.
- Understand the conditions of the team during practice. If need to be interspersed with holiday to avoid fatigue.
- Collect and keep all team ideas. Which isn't suitable when running the activities with the team and don't worry about your ideas and other time would be useful.
- Don't indulge your disappointment from an idea or something that is considered less relevant / deviant by team activities.
- Discuss and create activities from the smallest in the team and then adjust the ability of funds to build, if possible.
- Avoid an aggravating activity in the team.
- Be a good provocation of your team and to the society later (if it's time, you can provide information to the related society).
- Enjoy the workmanship of a new time / sacrifice activity you create.
- If you have a meeting, use dialogue like at a security post, speak freely, use good and cultured dialogue with your friends.
- Don't inform the public of your newly created program, if your program has not met the requirements or real proof.
- Visitors / guests is the impression to start a program that you create or prepare.
- Give greetings to build togetherness as a good Host in the Countryside.
- Don't fret with the shortcomings in running the program, visitors always understand the shortcomings, because one of the representatives has conducted a previous survey in your area / village.
- Strive the team always follow the activities of guests / visitors to see the shortcomings that exist.
- Always a good impression on the guests / visitors related to all activities you create.
- During the activities by guests / tourists, the team can do research while being a tourist guide.
- The important thing is don't forget to ask the impression and message after finished the activity. You can survey one or two visitors for your team news.
- Tell visitors / users of the mission and vision in the development of your new activities that will be created in the future.
- Filter the best activities and interesting, make a written note or journals for teams.
- Filter the user's impression to build your activities much better.
- Filter all the criticism or impression to make the image of "Usaha mandiri Pedesaan", to be more useful and wise in running the activities / programs.
- Gather as many profiles as possible about your guests / users of the property from the program you created as an asset for rural activities. Because the assets of this activity will be useful anytime and is the earliest evidence of future team formation development.
- Create special reports and bundle their photos during activities in the countryside related to your property users.
- Write a small article and paste the best photos of the activity.
- Establish discussion forums on media social network, upload some photos from tourist visits to your countryside. If your program is experiencing significant spikes, take advantage of social media networking publicly.
- Be a good provocation of your success on "Welcome TravelBuss".

Mirror photo: SMP Regina Pacis Jakarta - Live in rural area Yogyakarta.
- Establish a dedicated studio to accommodate all your own rural profile and program related activities you create.
- Create a stream of activity videos as a team encouragement, and also deliver a touches to the society.
- Use Logo "Kenali Desamu Cintai Desamu!" or own logo creations as a sign of your favorite logo.
- Glue the name of your favorite team in the video.
- Create a touch of activity related to your program, such as: Visitors / tourist for the community in the event / meeting as a lesson a program.
IMPORTANT: Video stream also contains a community activity profile. - Include your team name in a video stream and include special audio as a touch of your program.
- Create a special audio containing: Reflections, stories during activities, poetry or polite words.
- Live in the countryside (Best choose).
- Local dance education in rural areas.
- Local music activities.
- Skill traditional in the countryside.
- Visit on Business or Rural micro-enterprise.
- Tracking the countryside.
- Outdoor parties.
- Cooking competition.
- Home presentation.
- Playground, and others.
- Countryside?
- Rural Creative?
- Tourism Village? (Government Recommendation).
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