
Live in Activity in Yogyakarta | Epic Travelers

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Live in Activity in Yogyakarta

Almost one year, we see Live in Activity in some rural areas in Yogyakarta. Before going any further; What is "Live in"?. Perhaps you have read the previous articles on this site. That this description relates to "Live in Activity" and "Educational Activities".
Before reading the next line, we need to know about Live in Activity in Yogyakarta. Because, this activity is usually much in demand by students who are still in school and there are some tourists who have the purpose for this activity. On the other hand also depends on the purpose and form of their activities.
What is Live in?
"Live in" is to learn to live with joint activity by following a new family and live with a new family. While the main purpose is to follow family activities and learn from the smallest things to learn from one's life. Especially in the new families they live.
"Live in" also called "Outdoor Living, Living in ...", You probably interpret differently. But "Live in" there is also a special purpose of staying and enjoying the holidays.
Epic travelers - Live in Activity in Yogyakarta
Image Reference: Students Live in Education in Yogyakarta.
SMP Santa Laurensia Serpong - West Java
Category "Live in Activity"
Below is a little information live in in the countryside that we found by category:
  1. Live in - Education (Live in Traditional Education). Program initiated by the school or organization.
  2. Live in - Mandiri. (Program designed personally conducted with friends of relatives).
  3. Live in - Job Training. (Program initiated by the school).
  4. Live in - Private. (Activities conducted alone).
Descriptions Live in Activity Yogyakarta
1. Live in - Education (Live in - Traditional Education)
Many participants at school age, this activity is still bound by the arrangement of activities or a predetermined schedule at school. In these activities require special monitoring or Teachers Advisors. Complete information about this, we add insight Rural Creative the Traditional Nuance. Because this is part of the initial journey and activity form.
2. Live in - Mandiri
Participants can perform in the school year, or the participants aren't bound to the school year. Participants are free to do activities isn't scheduled. Much of this activity, participants look for things about rural life and activities of daily habits of people in the countryside.
Uniquely in (Live in Mandiri) activity
Participants can live with a new family but follows the activity with another family or residents in the surrounding countryside. Their goal is to explore what they are looking for in life in the countryside. This activity, participants can have a new family well beyond the neighborhood. Type of "Live in Mandiri" also called "Live in - The description of life in Rural Areas" and is usually done by the participants of the University or participants of journalist.
What is the content of its activities?
The content of their activities is that they want to see the village atmosphere, research in the countryside, it can also perform activities in full by the new family activity or vice versa. However, its activities are still in need of special guide who knew about the rural location. Their is one of a new family member or may be replaced by a companion who has been entrusted to the activities of the participants.
3. Live in - Job Training
"Live in - Job Training" was also carried out during the student is in school. The main goal is the practice of field work and live in the countryside. Students can conduct field work practice which has become the destination of learners and especially in the field of practice that has been determined. Activities related to this activity is the practice in the field of agriculture or their education majors.
What is being done in the new family?
Students can choose a few things to organize daily life in the countryside. This is an example of their activities in "Live in - Job Training":
  1. Students can choosing for their own activities in the countryside, so residents only provide shelter for students.
  2. Everything the daily needs of students is provided by a new family in the countryside or vice versa. (Students cook themselves at home).
  3. Students can attend family events and activities surrounding environment when the holiday.
  4. Students can choose the day off (Go home) and come back again when the Job Training.
4. Live in - Private
Live in - Private is an activity done solely for they their sake. If they live in the countryside, the goal is almost the same, that is to train self-reliance. We call it an exchange of fate or things they love from different lives. They live with the new family, and the new family becomes their own family. So also with the children in the family, they will regard as their own siblings. While all activities are also like family habits. They can also be a private teacher if the children in the family in a period of study at the school.
This live-in-private activity is unique and more challenging, because it is based on an interest in education to build a personal attitude.
All the above activities aren't much different, that have the meaning of life or living in remote rural areas or where the aim is to learn new habits in family life. And the final result is the education of other people. Meaning of the way of life of other families or other people is one of the core main goal is actually to train the students' independence.
The next section Overview "Live in Activity the Traditional Education".
Note: Only the student training activities
How to overview of "Live in Activity"?
Subsequent arguments include student training activities (Live in - Education) or (Live in - Traditional Education).
Complete information about this, we add insight (Tips on Activity Live in Education - Part: 1) and (Tips on Activity Live in Education - Part: 2). Because this is part of the priority and value of top tips on activity.
We didn't get a lot of full value, please add in this section:
Benefits of "Live in Activity"
Below is a bit of a review, but it would be useful if follow Live in Educational in rural areas.
  1. Learning to train yourself to live independently.
  2. Learning from the smallest things to create the true identity of the student.
  3. Learning to appreciate and test the ability of students in dialogue with others. So that this activity is carried out in rural communities.
  4. Guiding cooperation among students. In "Live in Education", the students will be mixed with the other classes.
  5. They or the students will receive positive activities, such as: additional knowledge in the field of skills, the arts, local culture, small or medium businesses in the "Visit on Business" and EDUWISATA (Tourism Education Area).
  6. Activities in rural skills. Students can learn to train the talent, diligence, expanding knowledge and others.
  7. Students can create a new family in the countryside, approaches to rural communities, and get to know the local culture.
Points or Value in "Live in Activity"
Points and grades are based on the activities and goals of Live in Education. There are so many types of assessment for the purpose Live in doesn't deviate from the plan of activities. We can see some value very forefront in the Live in Education.
Which values should be earned from Live in Education?
The purpose of "Live in" has significant value. Preview on data table "Rural Activity Purpose" and on the other side is "Prioritizing the best activities".
  1. Family Activities. (50 Points - Based on the purpose Live in Education).
  2. Art and local culture. (50 Point - Activities that doesn't rule out the world of art and local wisdom).
  3. Skills. (40 Points - Education based on talent and ideas).
  4. Visits on Business. (40 Points - World of work in the future and efforts to create local employment opportunities).
  5. Practice Industry. (40 Points - Learning about talent, the accuracy of work, creating a product, packaging and product ready for market).
  6. Explore the natural surroundings. (40 Points - Togetherness and cooperation).
  7. Play and sports activities with people in the neighborhood. (35 Points - Improve confidence in the environment).
  8. Visits EDUWISATA (Tourism Education). (30 Points - Expanding knowledge).
Why does this activity has the greatest value?
In the Live in Traditional Education, educating students from an early age is started from the family, and the helping hand they received a family activity. While the local arts and culture is a companion facility to educate them, such as: principle, the attitude of friendliness, customary to talk, behavior, and others, thus creating a friendly atmosphere in a family. Another objective that something about them doesn't need to rely on the help of his mother or his aunt at home. So some points of activity in the Live in Education has a superior value in this activity.
Additional description
"Point" is the most important illustration value in this activity. Then students will choose the points they absorb and use later. Especially the form of activity they get from Live in Traditional Education in rural areas.
The important things in the "Live in Activity"
"Live in Traditional Education in rural areas" has important things in Live in Education in rural areas. Below isn't a rule, but something to follow in this activity.
  1. Mobile communication devices (handphone) shall be collected before the entry into rural areas. Students are prohibited from carrying, using or borrowing means of communication to contact the family, so that students can fully concentrate on running the "live in" in the rural area. Students aren't permitted to borrow or mobile communication devices (handphone) in the new family they settle.
  2. Students are only allowed to use the money as needed. The rest will be retained by the Education Team or School Teachers, and will be returned when they are finished running the Live in Traditional Education in rural areas.
  3. Students are allowed to bring a digital camera or Handycam-video. Don't forget about the real purpose of your activities in the countryside today.
  4. Students are prohibited from using motorcycles in the countryside.
  5. At night the male students are prohibited from visiting in the homes of female students or vice versa.
  6. Students are forbidden to go out of the house above the 19:00 PM, except in activities related to Education Team in the rural areas.
Why "Live in Activity" become a program?
Many large cities which utilize live in activity as an additional program to the students, to get to know other environments or a new environment. Another goal is to increase students' experiences in unique activities that they may rarely or students found earlier. So that this activity has been used as the main purpose of the program in the school. From many of the schoolteachers, they are back for new students to go to the countryside. Most of them are Junior High School and Senior High School.
Descriptions of "Live in Activity"
Participants "Live in" is usually placed to prospective new family homes in the area. They settled in the countryside and learn to live with a new family and away from family members. Different places will certainly be different from the atmosphere of the place, conditions, habits, customs, culture, lifestyle habits, and even food menu, etc. In addition, the main goal is to learn to change habits, attitude, and behavior.
Epictravelers - Live in Education
Students Live in Education in Yogyakarta.
Image Reference: SMP Santa Laurensia Serpong - West Java
Live in time activities
"Live in Traditional Education" can be followed at least about 4 days and 3 nights in a rural environment. While the "Live in Mandiri" and "Live in - Job Training" can be done even several months. If we look carefully, Live in Education is highly variable depending on the plan which they will do.
Differences house in "Live in Activity"
Before stepping differences houses of Live in Traditional Education, you will see some reviews about "Live in" which was uploaded a few days ago. We could see the goal live in, rural activity on your activities. They established the efficiency of the activities to the public, their response in the countryside and so on. I hope you are happy with the original adventure with them in the countryside.
About Homestay "Live in Activity" in rural area
Homestay "Live in Activity the Traditional Education" is the home of residents who serve as a place to stay for participants. The purpose of making homes a homestay with the intention that students can enjoy the atmosphere of domestic life that directly united with the owner homestay.
Students live in rural communities and move on with new families. Students can follow the daily activities and even a real job together with their new family. So "Students Live in Traditional Education" among the residents' homes and live of blend with rural life.
Maybe you find the home during the process of building, architecture ancient buildings or other. The home for "Living in Traditional Education" is a resident's home for a stopover for the participants. Of course with the condition of the house or a new family they visit in the countryside. Students can't choose a house that has been set by Team Live in Education or the School Teacher. So that the students will gain a real difference in this activity. So the houses "Living in Traditional Education" and "Homestay Tourist" almost have in common.
About Homestay the Tourists
Homestay better in terms of classroom, such as a bathroom or a bed that is adequate for the participants wear that has been provided by the special services. In the sense of provision for tourists. On the other hand Homestay name associated with the Tourism Village or areas that are already focused for the Tourists destination.
Above is a little review the wonderful activity of Live in Activity in Yogyakarta. You can look at the reviews related to "Post References". Hopefully your activity is very fun in the Countryside. Greetings from the rural area.
Related Posts Live in Traditional
Related post of research and surveys in Live in Traditional Education in Yogyakarta
  1. Rural Creative - Traditional Education of Yogyakarta. ✔
  2. Tips on Activity Live in Education. ✔
  3. Live in Activity in Yogyakarta. ✔
  4. Short Tour of Live in Traditional Education. ✔
  5. The Structure of Live in Education. ✔


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