
Agro Tourism Salak Pondoh - Epic Travelers

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Agro Tourism Salak Pondoh

Welcome to the tourist area of the village the "Agro Tourism". Epic adventure blog book this time, we will invite you to know the Salak fruit plantation in AgroWista Turi Sleman. In the "Visit on Business" activity may be a means to obtain information and opportunities to pioneer independent business that you can use for your agricultural and plantation business world. Point in our activities in the world "Visit on Business" is to provide information that can be developed to improve the economy or food resources in rural areas. In the case of "Visit on Business" on this site may be useful as well as a place to share information and business development.
Epic travelers - Agro Tourism Salak Pondoh
Image Reference: Agrotourism Salak of Sleman
Review of Salak Pondoh garden
Salak fruit is the most widely grown crop in Java and Bali. Salak fruit on the island of Java is located on the slopes of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta and Magelang - Central Java. Many foreign travelers who call this fruit is the fruit scaly-snake or with his scientific language Salacca zalacca (snake fruit). Maybe they are right, because the skin of the fruit has a similar resemblance.
The Salak fruit is widely developed in Sleman Regency, located in Bangunkerto Turi, Sleman Regency of Yogyakarta. Administratively it located in Sleman or north side of the city of Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is one of the renowned Agrotourism in Java. Travelers can enjoy the feel of a cool rural epic and a quality Salak fruit plantation. AgroWisata Salak fruit began in 1988 and the pioneering period officially opened in 1994 with a land area of about 30 hectares. This is a long process especially in creating the epic world of the tourism sector for plants in Sleman City.
In our research of Salak plant thrives with a height of about 600 - 800 meters above sea level with humus soil structure and moisture. Humus is the organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material by soil microorganisms. According to the existing cultivation, plant of of Salak live only in tropical areas and exist only in Indonesia. Analysts say the Salak fruit are the highest economic value in town sleman in agriculture and plantations. At harvest Salak fruit of this area is abundant and a lucrative income in the business field.
Review of Salak trees
Salak fruit is a superior product of Sleman Regency Yogyakarta and is a plantation crop that is easy to grow in the cultivation. Salak plants are roots of fibrous plants, and resemble palm trees or fern trees that seem to have no trunk with the thorn tree structure. Salak-Pondoh plants are characterized as class palm trees with spiny fern pattern with rough fruit skin structure. Salak fruit is size eggs with part 1, 2, 3 separate parts inside. Travelers can also find 4 equal parts in the Salak fruit. Salak pondoh has a characteristic sweet taste when the fruit is young even before reaching full maturity. While the seeds can grow well with good soil structure. Salak tree growth requires high humidity, and doesn't require more groundwater puddles.
The stem of Salak tree height about 1,5 - 7 meters depending on the type of plant, with leaves on the wider end with two parts. Meanwhile the leaves on the stem are smaller and longer. While almost all trees are protected from sharp spines and in some small spiked parts in each leaf and so are the fruits. Salak tree trunk barely penetrated thorns, although this tree trunk jostle each other.
Salak tree height (wood parts) can actually reach about 1.5 meters from the ground. Overall, Salak tree is about 1,5 - 7 meters high. Salak tree seedlings usually have a height of about 1 meter (Cangkok system) or nursery from the main tree. But mostly (Wood parts) 0.5 - 1 meter the farmers will cut the wood for the security of other plants or farmers who cultivate. Despite the pruning of trees, Salak trees are also easier to grow back. Because Salak trees with a height of between 30 cm to a height of 1,5 meters; Salak tree roots always grow about 30 cm below from the Salak fruit. Salak wood when young; The trunk is almost invisible because it is covered by a tight stem. Wood shaped cylindrical shape with a diameter of 9 - 15 cm, if it is dry wood is harder and has an irregular meeting structure.
Handling the plants and cultivation
Maintenance and cultivation of crops Salak really cheap, Salak trees can be given fertilizer two or three years (after the tree bears fruit). Then recently with herbal nutritional liquid that can be sprayed onto the leaves, plants and fruits. In addition to adding quality of soil fertility and trees to grow well, natural nutrients can increase the thickness and quality of the fruit. In order to bear much fruit, tree trunk should be reduced or cut off, so it isn't there are food reserves stored in stems and leaves. Salak fruit have an average weight of about: 10kg - 15kg / stalk, depending on the specific treatment and pollinate flowers were perfect.
Salak fruit growers, usually reduce the fruit to lessen the fruit on the stalk. In order for the fruit to grow more quality. It was very different when the fruit is too much, then the fruit produced will be small, because the nutrients from the stalk is divided into many branches. At the time of growth, the Salak fruit will be split off from the stalk and wasted, because the fruit is pushing each other.
Watering of Salak trees is only done if the land is barren or dry. If the time of fruiting, water is given will affect the large or small Salak fruit.
Varieties of Salak fruit
Below are a few varieties of Salak fruit the planted and cultivated in the city of Sleman.
  1. Salak Pondoh (Salak fruit commonly developed by the community).
  2. Salak Pondoh Super (Salak Pondoh great quality with thick contents).
  3. Salak Pondoh Hitam (Salak Pondoh Black).
  4. Salak Gading (ivory) (Salak Pondoh the yellow skin color).
  5. Salak Madu (Salak Pondoh with a sweeter taste).
  6. Salak Jawa (Salak Jawa fruit that has a more distinctive fragrance).
"Salak Jawa fruit" has a taste that isn't typical when the fruit is young and can only be enjoyed when the fruit reach full maturity. For the layman, "Salak Jawa fruit" is difficult to distinguish in terms of skin. But will be known in terms of flavor this Salak fruit. However, the "Salak Jawa fruit" has a more distinctive fragrance than the Salak Pondoh fruit.
Salak cultivation phase there are two ways, among others: through seeds and grafts. Through seed development of indeed takes many years to grow up, so the loss of time or energy. Through seed development Salak isn't necessarily be fruitful, and the absorption of nutrients into the plant needs a good adjustment.
Cultivation of Salak fruit largely through a system of graft (Cangkok System). In addition to fast-growing, tree of Salak still attached in the same tree. Grafting is a method that is more simple and efficient. If the system is rooted and has reached its age, Salak trees can be moved or planted in different areas.
Salak tree species
Salak tree species are of two kinds: manly and females. Salak manly produces only flowers, and Salak females produce fruit that are pollinated by manly flowers. Salak female flowers need pollination, in order to bear fruit to perfection. Time pollination can be done if the flowers have opened / bloom. In order not to rot during the rainy season, flowers covered with leaves. But most farmers don't pollinate. Although it isn't do, the Salak tree can bear fruit perfectly.
Learning in "Visit on Business"
In the epic AgroTourism, visitors can take unique experiences with farmers and share information with the communites. Travelers can learn a lot about the world of plantation enterprises in the countryside. Tourists can also feel the local agricultural products from the surrounding community directly by picking and tasting directly on the spot. Together with the society of Turi Sleman, we can; entering, passing, paying, relaxing, enjoy of fruit fresh. In addition it also becomes a ideal vacation spot for families and children to visiting in the cultivation of Salak fruit trees. Travelers can learn more in this place, and this is a tremendous farming effort. Tourists can easily find this tour Turi Agro which has spread in the region of Sleman, Yogyakarta. Tourists can also visit fruit picking place in tourism paradise - Dragon Fruit Coastal of Glagah.
Read also in Exploring the Post Reference: (Dragon Fruit Coastal of Glagah) opens in new window.
Products of Salak fruit
The increasing number of farmers Salak, this fruit has created a wide range of foods and beverages such as: Salak crispy chips, syrup and food lunkhead. Sales crackers Salak is still small, and because the price is relatively expensive for oven frying so that sales are still limited in places. Salak crisp, has the flavor of savory and sweet although this chip without using sugar as a sweetener, so the capital in an attempt to pioneer a very good effort.
In this city, travelers will also find coffee kentos. Kentos is the seed of Salak that is processed into powder coffee as a beverage base. If travelers want to taste epic coffee kentos, travelers can come to Sleman city.
This fruit has been entered in various cities in Java and Sumatra. If travelers are vacationing in Jogja or Yogyakarta, don't forget to visit at Agro Tourism Salak Pondoh or Turi Agro Tourism. Enjoy the typical souvenirs of Yogyakarta.
Price Salak Pondoh Turi Sleman
Salak tree prices are approximate prices, while prices can change at any time. Price list is the result of review from the local community. Location: Salak garden - Turi Sleman.
The seeds Salak Pondoh. Show prices:
  1. Salak pondoh: Rp. 6.000/seedling.
  2. Salak pondoh super: Rp. 6.000/seedling.
  3. Salak gading: Rp. 15.000/seedling.
  4. Salak madu: Rp. 75.000/seedling.
  5. Salak Gula Pasir: 50.000/seedling.
  6. Salak Jawa: -
Sale of Salak fruit. Show prices:
  1. Salak pondoh: Rp. 5,000 - 6,000/Kg.
  2. Salak Pondoh Hitam: Rp. 5,000 - 6,000/Kg.
  3. Salak Pondoh super: Rp. 5,000 - 6,000/Kg.
  4. Salak Gading (ivory): Rp. 8,000/Kg.
  5. Salak Madu: Rp. 15.000 - 30.000/Kg.
  6. Salak Jawa: Rp. 4,500 - 6,000/Kg.
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