
Rumah Budaya Omah Petruk Karang Kletak - Epic Travelers

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Rumah Budaya Omah Petruk Karang Kletak

Rumah Budaya Omah Petruk Karang Kletak located in Wonorejo Hargobinangun Pakem Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. If we are in the Museum of Merapi to "Omah Petruk" approximately 3 kilometers towards the south. This place is one of the wonderful places with the diversity of art and activity in the city of Sleman on the north side. And become a cultural center in the area of Hargobinangun Village on the slopes of Mount Merapi Yogyakarta.
Cultural values
Petruk is one of the figures of "Punakawan" the puppet story. Petruk is one of the stories of people whose lives are simple who become role models in the life of society. In the Drama Ringgit Wacucal (Wayang Kulit) and Ringgit Purwa (Wayang Orang), the characters in the Punakawan scene never left on the show. In life, Petruk always do good who always gave what he had. That; what he gives does not have to be expensive goods or something excessive, but gives something to bind the brotherhood of the peoples around him. This painting is also depicted on the walls of houses in "Omah Petruk - Karang Kletak".
The most of the puppet story, Petruk or the part of Punakawan is the ordinary people of the most respected by the King, but also subject to the king's orders. Although people with a simple life, the values of the culture in the shadow puppets is symbolic between the leaders and the community is the most important part, so all create mirror peace and balance in the life of the king and the government structure. Especially protecting the welfare of the people. So in this case embodies the value of luxury; about the value of social culture.
General discourse
Epic travelers - Rumah Budaya Omah Petruk Karang Kletak
Image Reference: Omah Petruk Karang Kletak
The name "Omah Petruk" is the name in the traditional feel very distinctive, this typical values is also located at points around the house Java Omah Petruk. The names of the house is of part or the name taken from the name "Pasaran" or the market according to the calendar-Java, and the puppet characters. It is said that according to the advice of people of Java, market day in the calendar-Java is one of the most important and also one part of the control the activity in Java. So this place is also a part or one of the goals of Omah Petruk to be able to control some of the cultural activities, meeting the artists, art and culture that are already exists in Yogyakarta. We can see a variety of designs in "Rumah Budaya" display at the point of zero Kilometer or along Malioboro street in the city of Yogyakarta. This is the basis or their expression or symbolic of Rumah Budaya exist, and some of these designs can be found in this area.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Rumah Budaya The Wonderful Indonesia opens in new window.
Posters containing the symbol of solidarity
Image Reference: Posters containing the symbol of solidarity
"Omah Petruk - Karang Kletak" is constructed or established by Romo Sindhunata as a developer, at the beginning of construction in 1996 and later was pioneered in 2000 is a type of "Rumah Budaya" or the house of culture. And is one of the many houses of culture in the Daerah Istimewa of Yogyakarta. The atmosphere around the house of Java is the park a bamboo tree, sculpture, collection forms Java houses and so on. The land area of approximately 8000 meters and then most of the land is private land and some land rent results. Status Java house, is house Public. Completeness of public facilities is parking, house of public, Joglo public, swimming pool, HomeStay and MCK.
A Sunday, "Omah Petruk - Karang Kletak" still quiet and I found some officers who work around, because I came in the morning. To be more freely around, I asked permission to review some Java houses as a discourse of "Rumah Budaya" in Yogyakarta. In this place we can see a collection of various House Java. It "Omah Petruk", as well as a meeting place for artists from Indonesia and abroad. We can see some of the events and meetings ASIA TRI JOGJA festival, which is staged by artists and dance culture of each country. And than, if you are lovers of sculpture photo collections, you can find hundreds of sculptures displayed in various places and parks.
Omah Petruk Karang Kletak
The names and details house of Java, we discussed below for an introductions:
West Line
1. "Njalakan"
"Njalakan" is a size of approximately 4 x 4 meters. The house is a collection of Andong transportasi and plow tool of rice fields of ancient models. On the front there is a garden and animals Rhino replica made of zinc former.
2. "Loji Semar"
"Loji Semar" as a HomeStay or temporary stay for visitors. House size approximately 7 x 12 meters and there is a terrace in front of him.
3. "Kapithoekan"
In this place we see a replica of the woman, beside him there is a posters with the Java language with the theme "Sangkan Paran" or means "origin", the size of the house approximately 6 x 8 meters. There is also an entrance on the left or right in this house.
4. "Limbukan"
This house is a place of rest or sit while that can be used by guests or visitors. This small house open as we call "Gasebo house", namely as a place of rest and sitting.
5. "Panepen Mbok Turah"
On the west side are a garden "Kapithokan", and knick knacks of stone sculptures. There are small house "Panepen Mbok Turah" size is approximately 4 x 4 meters and a height of approximately 200 meters in which there are statues of women dressed in Javanese, and a replica of the baby next to him.
6. "Pringgitan Joko Tentrem"
This house measuring approximately 4 x 7 meters. On the front there is a spacious terrace with wooden floored size of approximately 4 x 7 meters. The house "Pringitan Joko-Tentrem" slightly overlooking with Joglo "Panepen Mbok-Turah". Not far from both house, are a replica of public figures are dressed of Java, which is equipped with a typical Java cap on the head or named Blangkon like doing rituals or traditional ceremonies.
7. "Langgar Tombo Ati"
This place means "place as a heart medicine" that is house as a place of worship and prayer. Size joglo approximately 5 x 6 meters and a green carpet flooring.
8. "Cangikan"
"Cangikan" house a relaxing place were floored wooden board. This area also can be used to sit, rest or talk. Not far from the Cangikan house, there is a pool to swim named "Sendang Nganten" with a depth of 1.5 meters of ceramic tiles.
9. "Pagongan Kliwon"
This house is similar to a private house and have a special MCK in it. House size approximately 6 x 8 meters. In addition, this house can be used as a HomeStay for visitors or guests.
Epictravelers - Joglo Gareng
Image Reference: House Java - Pagongan Kliwon
10. "Joglo Gareng"
This "Joglo Gareng" also a HomeStay which can be used for guests or visitors with terrace overlooking the garden in front of it. Gareng house is similar to a private home, Size joglo approximately 5 x 6 meters, there is a terrace section (classic chair) made of black bamboo.
11. "Garongan"
If we walk south side Gareng house, in the west there is house of Garongan measuring approximately 4 x 4 meters with the atmosphere of a bamboo tree. This place can also be used as a place to rest or sit.
12. "Pagongan Wage"
This "Pagongan Wage" house is similar to a private house that is used as well as the Home Stay for guests or visitors. House, measuring 6 x 8 meters and on the front there is a "Sendang Agung" that has two replicas snake dragon and a fountain.
13. "Pagongan Pon"
On the south side or the side "Pagongan Wage," there is a house on stilts "Pagongan-Pon" measuring approximately 8 x 8 meters. If we look at this house, built with the concept of modern buildings are painted to resemble wood. Used also as a HomeStay for guests or visitors. Around the house "Pagongan Pon" there is a spacious terrace, a small pond and garden. The walls of the house are made of woven bamboo to add to the atmosphere house Java.
East Line
1. Office Omah Petruk
This house a combination of a modern house used for personnel or Office, and on the front there is a painting of puppet characters.
2. Omah Londo
Omah Londo is home intended for important guests or special guests related activity or event to be held by guests or tenants.
3. "Mbilugan"
House small with a size of 4 x 4 meters as a means to break and sit.
4. "Petogokan Tundung Ngeleh"
Besides house "Mbilugan", there is an open Joglo with 4 tables in the middle of the named Joglo 6. "Petogokan tundung Ngeleh". This place is a facility for a buffet or banquet which is used on the activities carried visitors. Size Joglo "Petogokan tundung Ngeleh" approximately 4 x 8 meters.
5. "Bangsal Zoetmulder"
Joglo public nuances
Image Reference: Joglo House - Bangsal Zoetmulder
Joglo open space used for meetings. Around the Javanese Joglo is a replica statue of figures President, Gong or music instrument Java, puppet figures and replicas of the Statue of Soldiers Kraton. House size approximately 10 x 10 meters. If we see into, there is a classic lamp in the middle while the dark gray tiled floor and white. Because the floor using a system with staircase on the inside joglo, combined floor tiles striking white color so that the activity or event that is held at night by visitors, providing a sense of security when stepping foot.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Joglo Kampung Griya Aissa opens in new window.
6. "Pagongan Legi"
7. "Pagongan Pahing"
Home "Pagongan Legi" and "Pagongan Pahing", is home to HomeStay built stage models like home "Pagongan Pon" is taken from a combination of modern buildings. The names of these houses located south side.
8. "Pekiwan"
Pekiwan is a modern building that is painted like a series of lined timber. This house is the bathroom and toilet.
The page changes and completeness of the property will happen at any time in "Omah Petruk - Karang Kletak". So this survey is based on the trip being made at the time.
Thus, a review of journey of Rumah Budaya Omah Petruk Karang Kletak.
General Info
  • Name of the house: Omah Petruk - Karang Kletak.
  • Category: Rumah Budaya.
  • Status of home: House Public and Joglo Rent.
  • Developer of building: Romo Shindu.
  • Land area: ± 8000 meters.
  • Built of year: 2000.
  • Contact: None.
  • Email: None.
  • Address: Wonorejo Hargobinangun Pakem Sleman Daerah Istimewa of Yogyakarta (DIY).
  • Facilities: coffee house, Sauvenir, Parking, Joglo Public, playground, HomeStay, Gamelan art, outbond, MCK, etc.
  • Activities and tourist events: ASIATRI JOGJA, art festivals, public meeting places, cultural visits, etc.
  • Teacher of discourse: Mr Anto - Lovers of Rumah Budaya of Yogyakarta Group.
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Duration: 4:53
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